Does My Brain Hate Me - Chapter 9

Does My Brain Hate Me
Does My Brain Hate Me

Chapter 9 - Hello Stranger


So, I've had a little break of 1.5 years!

I didn't expect to leave that much time to write the next chapter, time flies and a lot has happened. I'm back now and ready to keep writing.

Unsurprisingly, I've still got the brain injury, doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I still think that my brain hates me, I will always think that. I don't feel like that every second of every day but then something happens and I think 'There it is, hating me again'. I think I'm just used to being me with the messed up brain now, doesn't mean to say I like it.

So, I need to start where I left off, this could be difficult seeing as I remember nowt. Looking back at the previous chapters, I'm quite proud of what I've written seeing as I don't remember writing it! It helps me to keep writing after reading it all.

In the last chapter, I mentioned that I was doing a free fall abseil down the Arcelormittal Orbit in the Olympic Park in London. This was to raise money for my local Headway and was planned for 12th September 2015. This abseil was cancelled on the morning due to strong winds! How frustrating when you have psyched yourself up for it. Due to it being the end of the season, we would have to wait till at least March 2016 to do it, but then, as you might have seen on the news, they built a slide on it! This delayed us further, So, finally on 2nd October 2016, over a year after the initial date, I completed the abseil.

*The UK's highest free fall abseil on the UK's tallest structure is the adrenaline fuelled way to see London 262 feet above the city*

What an exhilarating experience! Well, it looks like it was judging by the video and pictures that I have, I don't actually remember doing it, that in itself is frustrating! I was wearing a helmet camera which recorded the abseil, if you want to have a look -

Also, here are some of the pictures -

Not only was this a massive achievement for me but I managed to raise £315 that will go towards my local Headway. There was 50 of us that completed the abseil and between us we raised- £15,500. A fantastic amount for Headway South East London North West Kent. There was talk of our next fundraiser being a Sky-dive! I'm up for that so watch this space.

A few other things have happened that deserve their own chapters

I will write about all this in detail in the next chapters.

This chapter took me less time than I thought, writing again is easier than expected, so I'm ready to get going. I hope you continue to enjoy reading.

Jan x

Chapter 10 - Headway for Medway »

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